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Using evaluation and reflection to build upon my skills and reviewing my weaknesses can help me improve my work as the project goes forward. This page is a dedicated collection of different evaluations taken at different times in the project.  

Mid Term Evaluation


So far in the project, I have made a strong start in both my research and pre-production stages of development. More work is needed in research as I continue to produce new ideas that can be backed up by research and implemented into my game. As far as the preproduction stage goes i have been slow to develop this page and i definitely need to put much more work into that page to get it to the slandered that i want. Tho on the other hand my research page is in a very good position and I'm waiting to get it reviewed so i can work out what level it is currently at.


Arrears i believe i can improve are my time management and productivity  when transitioning between arrears of the project. My production dropped as i moved onto starting the preproductions part of the game. I don't see this happening as much wen i start production as that is naturally more engaging tho after i have finished this evaluation i will move onto planning out the work i have to complete when i get back after the easter break.



with my presentation feedback now back in full I was able to go over the feedback I got and start applying it to my work. 


The presentation seemed to be well received and I received some good feedback in the pdf above that I can use to help the project grow as well as increasing the projects strength in other arears that I have put aside.


The research points that got recommended to me are all things I had considered though I think it would be good to look into these arears so that I can see how it effects my understanding. The other reason I think this will be good is because is gives me an incite into how a wider group of people look at the point I brought up and how they interpret it.


This ties in with my first hand research  well and its provided me useful information I can helpfully interpret and then apply back to the rest of my work.



Presentation Evaluation 

Final Evaluation 


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